ASA-202107-17 - log back

ASA-202107-17 edited at 09 Jul 2021 14:17:29
- As a workaround, disable the rabbitmq_management plugin and use CLI tools for management operations and Prometheus and Grafana for metrics and monitoring.
+ As a workaround, disable the rabbitmq_management plugin and use CLI
+ tools for management operations and Prometheus and Grafana for metrics
+ and monitoring.
ASA-202107-17 edited at 06 Jul 2021 09:09:07
+ As a workaround, disable the rabbitmq_management plugin and use CLI tools for management operations and Prometheus and Grafana for metrics and monitoring.
+ Crafted user banes and federation links could be used to inject arbitrary JavaScript code into the management web UI.
ASA-202107-17 created at 06 Jul 2021 09:06:35