ASA-202106-29 - log back

ASA-202106-29 edited at 11 Jun 2021 16:00:49
- To mitigate this vulnerability without upgrading kube-apiserver, you can create a validating admission webhook that prevents EndpointSlices with endpoint addresses in the and ranges. If you have an existing admission policy mechanism (like OPA Gatekeeper) you can create a policy that enforces this restriction.
+ To mitigate this vulnerability without upgrading kube-apiserver, you
+ can create a validating admission webhook that prevents EndpointSlices
+ with endpoint addresses in the and ranges.
+ If you have an existing admission policy mechanism (like OPA
+ Gatekeeper) you can create a policy that enforces this restriction.
ASA-202106-29 edited at 09 Jun 2021 08:54:21
- A user could redirect pod traffic to private networks on a Node.
+ A user could redirect pod traffic to private networks on a node.
ASA-202106-29 edited at 09 Jun 2021 08:49:07
+ To mitigate this vulnerability without upgrading kube-apiserver, you can create a validating admission webhook that prevents EndpointSlices with endpoint addresses in the and ranges. If you have an existing admission policy mechanism (like OPA Gatekeeper) you can create a policy that enforces this restriction.
+ A user could redirect pod traffic to private networks on a Node.
ASA-202106-29 created at 09 Jun 2021 08:48:30