ASA-202106-51 - log back

ASA-202106-51 edited at 24 Jun 2021 16:21:33
- As a workaround, disabling the automatic room upgrade handling can be done by removing the `roomUpgradeOpts` key from the `Bridge` class options.
+ As a workaround, disabling the automatic room upgrade handling can be
+ done by removing the `roomUpgradeOpts` key from the `Bridge` class
+ options.
ASA-202106-51 edited at 22 Jun 2021 08:50:56
+ As a workaround, disabling the automatic room upgrade handling can be done by removing the `roomUpgradeOpts` key from the `Bridge` class options.
+ A malicious admin of a bridged room can repoint the traffic to a different room without the new room being aware.
ASA-202106-51 created at 22 Jun 2021 08:50:25