AVG-1187 log

Package intel-ucode
Status Fixed
Severity High
Type information disclosure
Affected 20200520-1
Fixed 20200609-1
Current 20240531-1 [extra]
Ticket None
Created Tue Jun 9 19:49:26 2020
Issue Severity Remote Type Description
CVE-2020-0549 High No Information disclosure
A microarchitectural timing flaw was found on some Intel processors. A corner case exists where data in-flight during the eviction process can end up in the...
CVE-2020-0548 Low No Information disclosure
A flaw was found in Intel processors where a local attacker is able to gain information about registers used for vector calculations by observing register...
CVE-2020-0543 High No Information disclosure
A new domain bypass transient execution attack known as Special Register Buffer Data Sampling (SRBDS) has been found. This flaw allows data values from...
Date Advisory Package Type
13 Jun 2020 ASA-202006-10 intel-ucode information disclosure