AVG-1398 log

Package dovecot
Status Fixed
Severity High
Type multiple issues
Fixed 2.3.13-1
Current 2.3.20-5 [extra]
Ticket None
Created Mon Jan 4 12:31:22 2021
Issue Severity Remote Type Description
CVE-2020-25275 Medium Yes Denial of service
A security issue was discovered in dovecot version 2.3.11 up to Mail delivery/parsing crashed when the 10 000th MIME part was message/rfc822 (or...
CVE-2020-24386 High Yes Information disclosure
A security issue was discovered in dovecot version 2.2.26 up to When imap hibernation is active, an attacker can cause dovecot to discover the...
Date Advisory Package Type
04 Jan 2021 ASA-202101-4 dovecot multiple issues