AVG-1417 log

Package nvidia-utils
Status Fixed
Severity High
Type multiple issues
Affected 455.45.01-1
Fixed 460.32.03-1
Current 560.35.03-6 [extra-testing]
560.35.03-5 [extra]
Ticket None
Created Fri Jan 8 08:45:42 2021
Issue Severity Remote Type Description
CVE-2021-1056 Medium No Information disclosure
The NVIDIA GPU Display Driver contains a vulnerability in the kernel mode layer (nvidia.ko) in which it does not completely honor operating system file...
CVE-2021-1053 Medium No Denial of service
The NVIDIA GPU Display Driver, all versions of the R460 and R450 driver branches, contains a vulnerability in the kernel mode layer (nvidia.ko) handler for...
CVE-2021-1052 High No Privilege escalation
The NVIDIA GPU Display Driver, all versions of the R460 and R450 driver branches, contains a vulnerability in the kernel mode layer (nvidia.ko) handler for...
Date Advisory Package Type
12 Jan 2021 ASA-202101-19 nvidia-utils multiple issues