AVG-1481 log

Package go
Status Fixed
Severity Medium
Type multiple issues
Affected 2:1.15.6-1
Fixed 2:1.15.7-1
Current 2:1.22.5-1 [extra]
Ticket None
Created Wed Jan 20 09:34:37 2021
Issue Severity Remote Type Description
CVE-2021-3115 Medium No Arbitrary command execution
A security issue was found in Go and fixed in versions 1.15.7 and 1.14.14. The go command may execute arbitrary code at build time when using cgo on...
CVE-2021-3114 Low No Incorrect calculation
A security issue was found in Go and fixed in versions 1.15.7 and 1.14.14. The P224() Curve implementation can in rare circumstances generate incorrect...
Date Advisory Package Type
20 Jan 2021 ASA-202101-27 go multiple issues