AVG-1767 log

Package linux-lts
Status Fixed
Severity Medium
Type multiple issues
Affected 5.10.27-1
Fixed 5.10.28-1
Current 6.6.42-1 [core]
Ticket None
Created Fri Apr 2 13:14:03 2021
Issue Severity Remote Type Description
CVE-2021-29657 Medium No Privilege escalation
A security issue has been found in the Linux kernel before version 5.11.12. There is a race condition between check and use of the nested VMCB controls in KVM.
CVE-2021-3483 Medium No Arbitrary code execution
A security issue has been found in the Linux kernel before version 5.11.12 in Linux/drivers/firewire/nosy.c. Nosy is an IEEE 1394 packet sniffer which is...