AVG-192 log

Package linux
Status Fixed
Severity High
Type privilege escalation
Affected 4.10.1-1
Fixed 4.10.2-1
Current 6.10.1.arch1-1 [core]
Ticket FS#53242
Created Fri Mar 10 20:24:50 2017
Issue Severity Remote Type Description
CVE-2017-2636 High No Privilege escalation
A race condition flaw was found in the N_HLDC Linux kernel driver when accessing the n_hdlc.tbuf list that can lead to double free. A local, unprivileged...
Date Advisory Package Type
14 Mar 2017 ASA-201703-8 linux privilege escalation
The patch to fix CVE-2017-2626 was backported: https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/diff/trunk/0001-tty-n_hdlc-get-rid-of-racy-n_hdlc_tbuf.patch?h=packages/linux&id=f29c31d5f1e1f45bc7b71e3f3f9440fec9690f8e