AVG-495 log

Package couchdb
Status Fixed
Severity High
Type multiple issues
Affected 2.1.0-1
Fixed 2.1.1-1
Current 3.3.3-3 [extra]
Ticket None
Created Thu Nov 16 16:09:32 2017
Issue Severity Remote Type Description
CVE-2017-12636 Medium Yes Arbitrary command execution
CouchDB administrative users can configure the database server via HTTP(S). Some of the configuration options include paths for operating system-level...
CVE-2017-12635 High Yes Privilege escalation
Due to differences in the Erlang-based JSON parser and JavaScript- based JSON parser, it is possible in Apache CouchDB before 1.7.0 and 2.x before 2.1.1 to...
Date Advisory Package Type
16 Nov 2017 ASA-201711-24 couchdb multiple issues