AVG-586 log

Package krb5
Status Fixed
Severity Medium
Type multiple issues
Affected 1.16-1
Fixed 1.16.1-1
Current 1.21.3-1 [core]
Ticket None
Created Tue Jan 16 16:48:08 2018
Issue Severity Remote Type Description
CVE-2018-5730 Medium Yes Insufficient validation
A flaw was found in MIT krb5 1.6 or later, an authenticated kadmin user with permission to add principals to an LDAP Kerberos database can circumvent a DN...
CVE-2018-5729 Medium Yes Insufficient validation
A flaw was found in MIT krb5 1.6 or later, an authenticated kadmin user with permission to add principals to an LDAP Kerberos database can cause a null...
CVE-2018-5709 Low Yes Information disclosure
An issue was discovered in MIT Kerberos 5 (aka krb5) through 1.16. There is a variable "dbentry->n_key_data" in kadmin/dbutil/dump.c that can store 16-bit...
Date Advisory Package Type
05 Jun 2018 ASA-201806-3 krb5 insufficient validation