AVG-80 log

Package ntp
Status Fixed
Severity High
Type multiple issues
Affected 4.2.8.p8-1
Fixed 4.2.8.p9-1
Current 4.2.8.p18-1 [extra]
Ticket None
Created Mon Nov 21 21:53:20 2016
Issue Severity Remote Type Description
CVE-2016-9311 Medium Yes Denial of service
ntpd does not enable trap service by default. If trap service has been explicitly enabled, an attacker can send a specially crafted packet to cause a null...
CVE-2016-9310 High Yes Denial of service
An exploitable configuration modification vulnerability exists in the control mode (mode 6) functionality of ntpd. If, against long-standing BCP...
CVE-2016-7434 Medium Yes Denial of service
If ntpd is configured to allow mrulist query requests from a server that sends a crafted malicious packet, ntpd will crash on receipt of that crafted...
CVE-2016-7433 Low Yes Incorrect calculation
ntpd Bug 2085 described a condition where the root delay was included twice, causing the jitter value to be higher than expected. Due to a misinterpretation...
CVE-2016-7431 Medium Yes Insufficient validation
Zero Origin timestamp problems were fixed by Bug 2945 in ntp-4.2.8p6. However, subsequent timestamp validation checks introduced a regression in the...
CVE-2016-7429 Low Yes Denial of service
When ntpd receives a server response on a socket that corresponds to a different interface than was used for the request, the peer structure is updated to...
CVE-2016-7428 Medium Yes Denial of service
The broadcast mode of NTP is expected to only be used in a trusted network. If the broadcast network is accessible to an attacker, a potentially exploitable...
CVE-2016-7427 Medium Yes Denial of service
The broadcast mode of NTP is expected to only be used in a trusted network. If the broadcast network is accessible to an attacker, a potentially exploitable...
CVE-2016-7426 Low Yes Denial of service
When ntpd is configured with rate limiting for all associations (restrict default limited in ntp.conf), the limits are applied also to responses received...
CVE-2016-9312 in this release in a Windows only issue