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Description A tool for extracting annotations from audio signals
Version 0.4.9-19 [extra]


Group Affected Fixed Severity Status Ticket
AVG-888 0.4.8-1 0.4.9-1 Medium Fixed
Issue Group Severity Remote Type Description
CVE-2018-19802 AVG-888 Low No Denial of service
A NULL pointer dereference (denial of service) vulnerability was found on invalid new_aubio_onset in aubio before 0.4.9, which may lead to application crash...
CVE-2018-19801 AVG-888 Low No Denial of service
A NULL pointer dereference (denial of service) vulnerability was found on invalid n_filters in aubio before 0.4.9, which may lead to application crash when...
CVE-2018-19800 AVG-888 Medium No Denial of service
A potential buffer overflow vulnerability was found on invalid new_aubio-tempo in aubio before 0.4.9, which may lead to application crash when playing a...


Date Advisory Group Severity Type
12 Feb 2019 ASA-201902-8 AVG-888 Medium denial of service