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Description Command line tools for use with the open XCF image format (includes xcf2png)
Version 1.0.7-10 [extra]


Group Affected Fixed Severity Status Ticket
AVG-1679 1.0.7-6 1.0.7-7 Medium Fixed FS#70042
Issue Group Severity Remote Type Description
CVE-2019-5087 AVG-1679 Medium No Arbitrary code execution
An exploitable integer overflow vulnerability exists in the flattenIncrementally function in the xcf2png and xcf2pnm binaries of xcftools 1.0.7. An integer...
CVE-2019-5086 AVG-1679 Medium No Arbitrary code execution
An exploitable integer overflow vulnerability exists in the flattenIncrementally function in the xcf2png and xcf2pnm binaries of xcftools, version 1.0.7. An...