CVE-2020-8561 log

Severity Medium
Remote Yes
Type Information disclosure
A security issue was discovered in Kubernetes where actors that control the responses of MutatingWebhookConfiguration or ValidatingWebhookConfiguration requests are able to redirect kube-apiserver requests to private networks of the apiserver. If that user can view kube-apiserver logs when the log level is set to 10, they can view the redirected responses and headers in the logs.
Group Package Affected Fixed Severity Status Ticket
AVG-2394 kube-apiserver 1.23.0-1 Medium Vulnerable

This issue can be mitigated by not allowing kube-apiserver access to sensitive resources or networks, or to reduce the “-v” flag value to less than 10 and set the “--profiling” flag value to “false” (default value is “true”). Setting the profiling flag to “false” prevents users from dynamically modifying the kube-apiserver log level, and the flag value Webhook requests may still be redirected to private networks with a log level less than 10, but the response body will not be logged.