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Description Multimedia graph framework - good plugins
Version 1.24.5-2 [extra]


Group Affected Fixed Severity Status Ticket
AVG-163 1.10.2-1 1.10.3-1 Low Fixed
Issue Group Severity Remote Type Description
CVE-2017-5845 AVG-163 Low Yes Denial of service
An out-of-bounds read has been found in gstreamer before 1.10.3, in gst_avi_demux_parse_ncdt.
CVE-2017-5841 AVG-163 Low Yes Denial of service
An out-of-bounds read has been found in gstreamer before 1.10.3, in gst_avi_demux_parse_ncdt.
CVE-2017-5840 AVG-163 Low Yes Denial of service
An out-of-bounds read has been found in gstreamer before 1.10.3, in qtdemux_parse_samples.
CVE-2016-10199 AVG-163 Low Yes Denial of service
An out of bounds read has been found in gstreamer before 1.10.3, in qtdemux_tag_add_str_full.
CVE-2016-10198 AVG-163 Low Yes Denial of service
An invalid memory read flaw has been found in gstreamer before 1.10.3, in gst_aac_parse_sink_setcaps.


Date Advisory Group Severity Type
03 Feb 2017 ASA-201702-3 AVG-163 Low denial of service